Welcome to the SPP 2265!
This is the webpage of the DFG priority programme on "Random geometric systems".
Survey of 1st phase
The 1st phase of the SPP2265 offically started in October 2020. Please find the Survey of 1st phase, as presented by Wolfgang König at the Reviewer Colloquium, DLR Cologne, 29th of August 2023.
Find the list of all projects here...
Find the list of all the members and associated scientists here...
Upcoming Events
3rd Annual Conference of SPP 2265
Harnack House, Berlin, Oct 28-30, 2024
SPP2265 Autumn School: Probability Event: Point Processes, Exchange & Research
University of Münster, Nov 19-22, 2024
SPP2265 Workshop: Critical behaviour in spatial particle systems
Berlin, Jan 29-31, 2025
Inhomogeneous long-range percolation in the strong decay regime: recurrence in one dimension
Christian Mönch
A very short proof of Sidorenko's inequality for counts of homomorphism between graphs
Lukas Lüchtrath
Christian Mönch
Hierarchical Cubes: Gibbs Measures and Decay of Correlations
Sabine Jansen
Jan Philipp Neumann