Random Polytopes

Description Phase 2

The aim of the project is to investigate random polytopes.

Description Phase 1

The aim of the project is to investigate random polytopes.


Anna Gusakova, Zakhar Kabluchko: Sylvester's problem for beta-type distributions (12/2024)

Zakhar Kabluchko, Alexander Marynych, Kilian Raschel: Random Walks in the High-Dimensional Limit II: The Crinkled Subordinator (06/2023)

Zakhar Kabluchko, Daniel Rosen, Christoph Thäle: A quantitative central limit theorem for Poisson horospheres in high dimensions (03/2023) published

Zakhar Kabluchko, Joscha Prochno, Mathias Sonnleitner: A probabilistic approach to Lorentz balls (03/2023)

Anna Gusakova, Zakhar Kabluchko, Christoph Thaele: Sectional Voronoi tessellations: Characterization and high-dimensional limits (01/2023) published

Zakhar Kabluchko, David Albert Steigenberger: r-Lah Distribution: Properties, Limit Theorems and an Application to Compressed Sensing (12/2022) published

Zakhar Kabluchko, Alexander Marynych: Random Walks in the High-Dimensional Limit, I. (11/2022)

Michael Juhos, Zakhar Kabluchko, Joscha Prochno: Limit theorems for mixed-norm sequence spaces with applications to volume distribution (09/2022)

Zakhar Kabluchko, Daniel Rosen, Christoph Thäle: Fluctuations of λ-geodesic Poisson hyperplanes in hyperbolic space (05/2022)

Zakhar Kabluchko, Joscha Prochno: Large deviations for random matrices in the orthogonal group and Stiefel manifold with applications to random projections of product distributions (10/2021)

Zakhar Kabluchko : Face numbers of high-dimensional Poisson zero cells (10/2021) published

Thomas Godland , Zakhar Kabluchko, Christoph Thäle: Beta-star polytopes and hyperbolic stochastic geometry. (09/2021) published

Anna Gusakova, Zakhar Kabluchko, Christoph Thäle: The $\beta$-Delaunay tessellation IV: Mixing properties and central limit theorems. (08/2021) published

Zakhar Kabluchko : On expected face numbers of random beta and beta' polytopes. (07/2021) published

Thomas Godland , Zakhar Kabluchko , Christoph Thäle: Random cones in high dimensions II: Weyl cones (06/2021) published

Zakhar Kabluchko , Alexander Marynych: Lah distribution: Stirling numbers, records on compositions, and convex hulls of high-dimensional random walks. (05/2021) published

Thomas Godland , Zakhar Kabluchko : Positive hulls of random walks and bridges. (04/2021) published

Anna Gusakova, Zakhar Kabluchko, Christoph Thäle: The β-Delaunay tessellation III: Kendall's problem and limit theorems in high dimensions (04/2021) published

Samuel Johnston, Zakhar Kabluchko , Joscha Prochno: Projections of the uniform distribution on the cube - a large deviation perspective. (03/2021) published

Anna Gusakova, Zakhar Kabluchko, Christoph Thäle: The β-Delaunay tessellation II: The Gaussian limit tessellation (01/2021) published

Thomas Godland , Zakhar Kabluchko , Christoph Thäle: Random cones in high dimensions I: Donoho-Tanner and Cover-Efron cones (12/2020) published

Thomas Godland , Zakhar Kabluchko : Projections and angle sums of belt polytopes and permutohedra. (09/2020) published

Thomas Godland , Zakhar Kabluchko , Dmitry Zaporozhets: Angle sums of random polytopes. (07/2020) published

Thomas Godland , Zakhar Kabluchko : Angle sums of Schläfli orthoschemes. (07/2020) published

Thomas Godland , Zakhar Kabluchko : Conical intrinsic volumes of Weyl chambers. (05/2020) published

Thomas Godland , Zakhar Kabluchko : Conical tessellations associated with Weyl chambers. (04/2020) published


  • member's portrait

    Prof. Dr. Zakhar Kabluchko

    Universität Münster
    Principal Investigator
  • member's portrait

    M. Sc. David Albert Steigenberger

    Universität Münster
    Associated Scientist

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