Stochastic geometry in non-Euclidean spaces
Description Phase 2
Anna Gusakova, Zakhar Kabluchko: Sylvester's problem for beta-type distributions (12/2024)
Carina Betken, Erik Broman, Anna Gusakova, Christoph Thäle: Percolation of fat Poisson cylinders in hyperbolic space (12/2024)
Florian Besau, Anna Gusakova, Christoph Thäle: Random polytopes in convex bodies: Bridging the gap between extremal containers (11/2024)
Holger Sambale, Christoph Thäle, Tara Trauthwein: Central limit theorems for the nearest neighbour embracing graph in Euclidean and hyperbolic space (11/2024)
Daniel Rosen, Matthias Schulte, Christoph Thäle, Vanessa Trapp: The radial spanning tree in hyperbolic space (08/2024)
Gilles Bonnet, Anna Gusakova: Concentration inequalities for Poisson U-statistics (08/2024)
Anna Gusakova, Mathias in Wolde-Lübke: Poisson-Laguerre tessellations (07/2024)
Emil Dare, Markus Kiderlen, Christoph Thaele: A Blaschke-Petkantschin formula for linear and affine subspaces with application to intersection probabilities (04/2024) published
Nils Heerten, Janina Hübner, Christoph Thäle: Vertex number of the typical cell in a tri-directional Poisson line tessellation (09/2023) published
Prof. Dr. Anna Gusakova
Universität Münster
Principal Investigator -
Prof. Dr. Christoph Thäle
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Principal Investigator -
M. Sc. Mathias in Wolde-Lübke
Universität Münster
Associated Scientist -
Dr. Panagiotis Spanos
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Associated Scientist -
M. Sc. Behereh Yousefi
Universität Münster
Associated Scientist