The statistical mechanics of the interlacement point process
Description Phase 1
Alexander Drewitz, Alexis Prévost, Pierre-François Rodriguez: Cluster volumes for the Gaussian free field on metric graphs (12/2024)
Benedikt Jahnel, Jonas Köppl, Yannic Steenbeck, Alexander Zass: The variational principle for a marked Gibbs point process with infinite-range multibody interactions (08/2024)
Tianyi Bai, Wolfgang König, Quirin Vogel: Proof of off-diagonal long-range order in a mean-field trapped Bose gas via the Feynman--Kac formula (08/2024)
Benedikt Jahnel, Lukas Lüchtrath, Marcel Ortgiese: Cluster sizes in subcritical soft Boolean models (04/2024)
Partha Pratim Ghosh, Benedikt Jahnel, Sanjoy Kumar Jhawar: Large and moderate deviations in Poisson navigations (03/2024)
Jonas Köppl, Benedikt Jahnel: Time-periodic behaviour in one- and two-dimensional interacting particle systems (02/2024)
Wolfgang König, Quirin Vogel, Alexander Zass: Off-diagonal long-range order for the free Bose gas via the Feynman--Kac formula (12/2023)
Christian Hirsch, Benedikt Jahnel, Sanjoy Kumar Jhawar, Peter Juhasz: Poisson approximation of fixed-degree nodes in weighted random connection models (11/2023)
Benedikt Jahnel, Christof Külske, Alexander Zass: Locality properties for discrete and continuum Widom--Rowlinson models in random environments (11/2023)
Benedikt Jahnel, Anh Duc Vu: A long-range contact process in a random environment (10/2023)
Benedikt Jahnel, Jonas Köppl, Bas Lodewijks, András Tóbiás: Percolation in lattice k-neighbor graphs (06/2023)
Myriam Fradon, Julian Kern, Sylvie Roelly, Alexander Zass: Diffusion dynamics for an infinite system of two-type spheres and the associated depletion effect (06/2023) published
Benedikt Jahnel, Jonas Köppl: On the long-time behaviour of reversible interacting particle systems in one and two dimensions (03/2023)
Benedikt Jahnel, Lukas Lüchtrath: Existence of subcritical percolation phases for generalised weight-dependent random connection models (02/2023)
Benedikt Jahnel, Jonas Köppl: Trajectorial dissipation of Φ-entropies for interacting particle systems (01/2023) published
Elie Cali, Alexander Hinsen, Benedikt Jahnel, Jean-Philippe Wary: Chase-escape in dynamic device-to-device networks (11/2022) published
Elie Cali, Alexander Hinsen, Benedikt Jahnel, Jean-Philippe Wary: Connectivity in mobile device-to-device networks in urban environments (08/2022) published
Alexander Drewitz, Olof Elias, Alexis Prévost, Johan Tykesson, Fredrik Viklund: Percolation for two-dimensional excursion clouds and the discrete Gaussian free field (05/2022)
Benedikt Jahnel, Sanjoy Kumar Jhawar, Anh Duc Vu: Continuum Percolation in a Nonstabilizing Environment (05/2022) published
Benedikt Jahnel, Jonas Köppl: Dynamical Gibbs Variational Principles for Irreversible Interacting Particle Systems with Applications to Attractor Properties (05/2022) published
Christian Hirsch, Benedikt Jahnel, Stephen Muirhead: Sharp phase transition for Cox percolation (03/2022) published
Orphée Collin, Benedikt Jahnel, Wolfgang König: A micro-macro variational formula for the free energy of a many-body system with unbounded marks (01/2022) published
Nils Engler, Benedikt Jahnel, Christof Kuelske: Gibbsianness of locally thinned random fields (01/2022) published
Christian Hirsch, Benedikt Jahnel, Elie Cali: Connection intervals in multi-scale dynamic networks (11/2021) published
Martin Heida, Benedikt Jahnel, Anh Duc Vu: Stochastic Homogenization on Irregularly Perforated Domains (10/2021)
Benedikt Jahnel, Christof Kuelske: Gibbsianness and non-Gibbsianness for Bernoulli lattice fields under removal of isolated sites (09/2021) published
Cristian F. Coletti, Lucas R. de Lima, Alexander Hinsen, Benedikt Jahnel, Daniel Valesin: Limiting shape for First-Passage Percolation models on Random Geometric Graphs (09/2021) published
Christian Hirsch, Benedikt Jahnel, Elie Cali: Percolation and connection times in multi-scale dynamic networks (03/2021) published
Benedikt Jahnel, András Tóbiás: Absence of percolation in graphs based on stationary point processes with degrees bounded by two (10/2020) published
Benedikt Jahnel, András Tóbiás, Elie Cali: Phase transitions for the Boolean model of continuum percolation for Cox point processes (03/2020) published
Benedikt Jahnel, András Tóbiás: SINR percolation for Cox point processes with random powers (12/2019) published
Alexander Hinsen, Benedikt Jahnel, Elie Cali, Jean-Philippe Wary: Phase transitions for chase-escape models on Gilbert graphs (11/2019) published
Christian Hirsch, Benedikt Jahnel, András Tóbiás: Lower large deviations for geometric functionals (10/2019) published
András Tóbiás, Benedikt Jahnel: Exponential moments for planar tessellations (02/2019) published
Codina Cotar, Benedikt Jahnel, Christof Külske: Extremal decomposition for random Gibbs measures: From general metastates to metastates on extremal random Gibbs measures (10/2018) published
Benedikt Jahnel, Wolfgang König: Probabilistic methods for telecommunications (06/2018) published
Golibjon Botirov, Benedikt Jahnel: Phase transitions for a model with uncountable spin space on the Cayley tree: the general case (03/2018) published
Prof. Dr. Alexander Drewitz
Universität zu Köln
Principal Investigator -
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Jahnel
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Principal Investigator -
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang König
Weierstrass Institute
Principal Investigator -
Dr. Karl Olof Hallqvist Elias
Universität zu Köln
Associated Scientist -
Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Jhawar
Weierstrass Institute
Associated Scientist -
Dr. András Tóbiás
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Associated Scientist -
M. Sc. Ahn Duc Vu
Weierstrass Institute
Associated Scientist -
Dr. Alexander Zass
Weierstrass Institute
Associated Scientist